(good morning - november 2011)
(november 2011)
(la Pippy - november 2011)
(la mia Marty - november 2011)
  (I talk too much during sleep - october 2011)

(happy - october 2011)

 (october 2011)

(I don't know who he is, perhaps waiting for someone - october 2011)

Lo sa come si fa a riconoscere se qualcuno ti ama?
Ti ama veramente, dico?
- Non ci ho mai pensato. -
Io si.
- E ha trovato una risposta? -
Credo che sia una cosa che ha a che vedere con l’aspettare.
Se è in grado di aspettarti, ti ama.
(ahahahah - october 2011)
(grandmother's bath - october 2011)
(september 2011)
Have the Italians always been poor people?
We are poor people who see only what is convenient. 
We enjoy watching from round holes and 
we look beyond goggling 
because beyond we do not find anything.
(september 2011)
"The principles and rules of democracy are
irrilevant to the nature of Italian people
Who do not care about politics [...]
the big mass of the Italian is individualist [...]
Mussolini was right when he said that 
Italians have always been poor people"

(D'arcy Osborne, British Minister to the vatican
November 1943)

(cimitery - september 2011)
(avrei bisogno di una sosia - september 2011)
(Elena at Venice - september 2011)
 (tomorrow INCUBUS at Milan - october 2011)

(books of the month - november 2011)
(la mia amata amaca - september 2011)

(The Franco's bicycle - september 2011)
Starting university with a 28 is perfect! Yuppi
(CentoTigli - september 2011)
(home sweet home - october 2011)
Studiare brucia neuroni.
(Selfportrait - september 2011)
(grandmother - september 2011)
(Giada - october 2011)
(self-portrait - october 2011)
(Ylenia - october 2011)